Home Telecoms Why Telecoms Going Green is More than Pragmatism

Why Telecoms Going Green is More than Pragmatism


The telecommunications industry has been on a wild ride over the last couple of years, keeping up effort-fully with the expeditious growth of technological development – So what’s coming next?

Green Phone1 - Why Telecoms Going Green is More than Pragmatism

Some huge changes have been evident both in the telecoms industry and among those who rely on it. Perhaps unsurprisingly, as things accelerate into the future, one of the changes is that telecommunications has become greener and more environmentally friendly than ever before.

Old Telecoms Equipment can be Bought, Sold or Repaired to Save You a Small Fortune

It’s easy to talk about being green, but what does it mean in practice? Saving money and knowing where to sell old telecoms equipment go hand in hand for a successful business relationship between business and client.

This new wave of economising and beating indulging in refurbishments, buybacks and repairs has really put wind in the sails of many telecoms companies who better themselves by reducing costs, whilst allowing their clients to do the same.

For Kirsty McCarthy, who owns a small call centre in the South East, refurbished telecoms equipment was the only way she could have set up at all. She said: “It’s basically been a deal breaker, and a life saver – in the past businesses like mine had to form out a dangerous amount of money just to get off the ground.

“These days there are a string of telecoms resellers who carry out buybacks, repairs, and sell high quality stuff that’s been refurbished that small business owners like me can afford.

I don’t want to sound too much like it’s all about making savings, it’s great that this way of doing things is also environmentally friendly and means that companies everywhere are going green. It’s just an all round great idea.”

More Reasons to go Green

Businesses deciding to go green are undeniably doing their bit for the environment – but they tend to not be behind the door with extra benefits that come with it.

Studies show that consumers are more loyal and attracted to those businesses that prove themselves to be environmentally friendly. It has been a growing issue in the national and global press over recent years, an importance which has dripped into the consumer industry and caused a whole new way of doing things.

It’s a win-win situation, more profits are ultimately made as more and more consumers demand eco-friendly products and services, thus pushing the suppliers further towards meeting their demands.

India is Well Aware of The Greener Future

A recent study by Greenpeace shows that domestic mobile network operators need 14 billion units of electricity for the towers to function. As India currently has over 400,000 telecommunications tower sites – it is clear the potential danger of not going green.

The demand from mobile towers is essentially met through traditional fossil fuels, and also diesel-run generators in rural areas, which is said to be having a negative effect on the environment.

The Department of Telecommunications has claimed that it aims to power 75 percent of rural towers and 33 percent of urban towers with renewable energy by 2020.

How to go Green with your Telecoms Equipment

Your old telecoms equipment can be bought back and swapped for cash by wholesale resellers like PMC Telecom.

Refurbished products including telephone handsets, office headsets and other telecoms equipment can be bought at a fraction of the normal price by trusted resellers like this, which is not only going green for the future, but is allowing the start up and growth of business ventures that would otherwise never get such a chance. The future is coming, and it’s going to be interesting.



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